Chasing The Crown | Elton John |

Chasing The Crown

Testo Chasing The Crown

I built a wall in China, I sank an ocean liner
I‘ve wrecked homes, I‘ve burned thrones, chasing the crown
I‘ve put thorns in your feet, I spread plague in the streets
I‘ve sprung traps, confused maps, chasing the crown

I‘m chasing the crown till he bites the apple
I was licking my lips till his Son come down
I‘m chasing the crown, the crown, I‘m chasing the crown
I‘m taking a turn in the right direction
By leaving his soul in the lost and found
I‘m chasing the crown, I‘m chasing the crown

I saw the tea float in Boston, I saw the live wire shock them
I made them float, I made them drown, chasing the crown
I laid the desert sands, I froze the polar caps
Well, they‘d dry out, and I‘d shout "Hey I‘m chasing the crown"

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